A collection of posts from parents of all walks of life. No parenting topic is off limits!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Many of my friends have been having babies lately. It's almost like an epidemic! Seems a new baby pops out each week. In this day and age, people my age are wary of dispensing unsolicited advice. Grandmothers usually do it for us, so we save our words for the important questions like "So when is the next girl's night??" since we recognize there will be a need for one, soonish.

What I'm finding is that women are going through afterbirth experiences ill-prepared. If you go in thinking it's going to be a natural birth and it turns into a c-section, what now? What happens when your breastfeeding experience isn't the greatest and you're surrounded by woman who become increasingly forceful about what you're doing wrong? That's what this blog is for. It will feature guest bloggers who have gone through similar experiences and lived to tell about it! Hopefully, woman everywhere will laugh, cry and nod vigorously as they read this, knowing there are TONS of people out there who can relate and it will ease some of the parenting expectations we all have. And believe me, whether you have one or five, you're parenting a newborn or your kids are in college, you've adopted or have biological children, the essense remains the same: parenting is hard, where are my girls at, pass the libations please!

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